Every new appliance you purchase is a significant investment for your home, so it is worth taking time to consider the decision carefully. Let’s take a look at the advantages of energy-efficient appliances to work out whether it is worth spending a little extra to save money on bills in the long run.

Refrigerators and Freezers
A top freezer refrigerator that carries the Energy Star certification is incredibly efficient, and use less energy than a 60W light bulb. Choosing to upgrade your refrigerator to an energy-efficient model could save you money over the lifespan of the appliance. Savings for freezers are smaller but could still be attractive. And upgrading doesn’t have to be difficult! When it comes to refrigerator installation, George Town residents can call on Appliance Doctors to do the heavy lifting for them.
Washing Machines
If you only have the budget to upgrade one appliance in your home to an energy-efficient model, your clothes washer is a good candidate. You could save money every year by using a clothes washer with the Energy Star label, as these models use around 33 percent less energy than typical models. Energy Star clothes washers also use less water than standard models, and they are designed to spin your clothes harder to remove more of the water, which means your clothes dryer uses less energy to get your clothes fully dry.
Clothes Dryers
The effect of updating your clothes dryer is likely to be smaller than that of getting a new washer, but you could still save over the appliance’s lifespan. Dryers last for around 12 years on average, so it is worth taking some time over the decision if you are searching for a new one.
Cooking Equipment
Upgrading your oven and stove could help to reduce the amount of money that it costs to put food on your table. Another option is to maintain the cooking appliances you already have, as dirt and corrosion can reduce their efficiency. For everything from oven repair to gas cooktop installation, Cayman Islands residents can call on Appliance Doctors.
If you have decided that it is time to replace some of your appliances with up-to-date models that offer better energy efficiency, get in touch with us now to learn more!